In the name of God

All praises to the Ever Living, in the beginning and the end.

Verily there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and I am so grateful for a successful execution of Siddiqah Ramadhan projects 2021.

Most times the target for the next year is set shortly after we end the previous one, so when we ended Ramadhan 2020, I thought about what I was going to propose to my team.

Now, if you have followed our work, you would know we have gone to about 8 states with the Siddiqah Street Kitchen, supporting hubdreds of thousands with the help of God using the funds we raised from wonderful people like you. With the cries of hunger from various places, I was sure our work this year was going to stretch my team and I however, I had a surprise waiting for me.

Chatted with the team earlier about my crazy idea of extending our work to 10 states and they watched me thinking, Aishah has drank that thing she normally drinks, (laughs) however, I believed we needed to push things and switch it up and I also believed NOW was the time especially with the obvious telltale signs of increased financial stress

We have never struggled for funds as much as we did this year. Subhaanallaah! WE WERE STRETCHED However God blessed me with an amaaaazing team. Alhamdulilaah! In addition, I was reminded of the incident that led to the Battle of Badr. How the Nabiy sallallaahu alayhi wassalam gathered the Sahabahs and how they backed Him up (sallallaahu alayhi wassalam).

And in those moments, I knew without a doubt that the team I worked with was handpicked by Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala)

We learnt the meaning of Tawakkul more than ever before and with each day I was reminded that, What Allaah wills would happen. NO MATTER WHAT.

We set out with a target to distribute 60,000 meals, 3500 relief packs and 5000 Eid Meals
and although we didn’t hit the target, we came close and more importantly we showed up daily despite funding challenges and touched lives.

We are truly thankful. With a heart full of gratitude, we are happy to share the figures we were able to achieve.

We were also able to bring ease to families with the Zakah collected. About 11 cases benefitted from the kindness.

We are open ALL YEAR round serving the extremely poor and deprived communities and although we would take a short break to oil our wheels, we would be back again in June with our monthly Outreaches and projects all geared towards bringing ease to people and reviving hope in humanity.

Special thanks to my team members; Bashirat Abdulwahab,  Abu Ameenah Inenemo and his lovely wife, Mallam As-Sudaisy, Ibrahim Sunmola, Ahmed Akinsemoyin, Kuamdeen Adams, Ibraheem Oloye Mohammed, Adeola Ajala, Wahidat Bakare, Mubarakah Oladipo, Fausat Ayinla, Qudrah Adeniji, Baseerat Abdulsalami, Nafisat Sanusi, Mohammed Awuni Bello, Faizah Lawal-Tijani , Umm Faaiza AbdulKarim, Azeezat Ogunbadejo, Bukky Masha, myRamadan team, Bigi, ibeauty, Ingenious Media, Siddiqah Volunteers Team, Moonsoon Ltd, and of course Aminat Adams, my wonderful sister. Special thanks also to the Azefat Foundation team and my family and friends turned family for the support.

A Big thank you to everyone who shared our messages and posters, donated to support us, made dua’a for us, wrote to people to support, amplified our voice without asking for a kobo and helped us stay serving all through the month.

Although Ramadhan is over, our acts of kindness should not be over. Our work at Siddiqah runs all year round and so we ask that you stay with us and mention us to those who can lighten the burden.

Your donations and zakah can still be sent in and we would use to continue to bring ease to families living in difficulty. We are open for cooperate partnerships so reach out and let us know how we can make impact together.

May Allaah reward every one of you and make your entry into paradise very easy. May Allaah accept our fasts and invocations and make us exceed our dreams and expectations in the coming year. Aamiyn

Love and Hope,

Aishah Adams

For Siddiqah 💛

About Siddiqah
SIDDQAH is a holistic personal and community development organization built to make a huge impact in the lives of people and communities across the world.

Contact Us

Telephone 1: +234 8180490466,
Telephone 2: +234 9016244506,
Telephone 3: +234 8175525908